R. Stratton Photography

New Site, New Name, New Brand!

New Site, New Name, New Brand!  Everything is new, well except for me!

That’s right, I’m moving my site and changing my name for a number of reasons.

  1. The name is a lot less confusing –  Many people were getting confused with DigiPhos, DigiPhotos, DigiPix, and all other incarnations.
  2. It reflects my name – it sounds more mature and personable
  3. I do more than just digital photography – I use film, make prints, I have a photo booth, and some new services in the coming year’s / months!  Keep an eye out for these.

So I guess you’re wondering what the new site is?  R. Stratton Photography (http://www.rstratton.ca).  It’ll bring you back to this site and for a while you’ll still be able to use the current address.  So please be patient, over the next couple months you should see lots of changes and updates.

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