R. Stratton Photography

Copyright and Terms of Use



All image copyrights are the property of R. Stratton Photography.  These rights allow R. Stratton Photography to sell, copy, display, further edit, and publish all images.  Images will only be used for advertising, marketing, and personal display and will not be sold to any other parties.  Any monetary gain will be acquired either directly from the Client or indirectly from advertising and marketing campaigns.  Images displayed may appear in / on, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines, books, television, and the Internet


Terms of Use

The Client will obtain all proofs (with colour adjustments) and any edited versions of all photographs for personal use only.  The Client will not sell nor authorize any reproductions of images for profit by any other party, including but not limited to, friends and family members of the Client, sponsors and promoters or any other advertising.  The Client agrees that it is a violation of federal copyright law to allow photographs created by R. Stratton Photography to be digitally reproduced, copied, or scanned beyond written permission.  Any general public use of these images for monetary gain will be considered copyright infringement.  If there is a potential for monetary gain by the Client, the Client must first acquire written permission from R. Stratton Photography and may include royalty negotiations.

The client does not have permission to modify, edit or alter any image from R. Stratton Photography.  No images shall be altered by, and not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Photo Shop, Light Room, or any other photo manipulation software.  Should the client decide to post images to the internet to sites such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, 500px, Twitter, etc. appropriate created must be given to the photographer. ( © 2016 Robert Stratton – R. Stratton Photography)

While R. Stratton Photography as able to print the Client’s images, the Client is entitled to create printed or digital copies of any image, for personal and/or archival purposes onlyThe Client understands that printing will vary from service to service and may not appear as it does on their screens.  R. Stratton Photography recommends using a reputable printing service over cheaper alternatives such as Wal-Mart, Costco and Dominion.  Should a service require written permission to print images, such permission can be obtained through contacting R. Stratton Photography.



if a client has any questions about the information above, please contact me (robertstratton@rstratton.ca) and I will be happy to answer any questions.

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